Endangered NJ

Bald Eagle
Bald Eagles aren't really bald - they've just got a crest of white feathers on the tops of their heads! The Bald Eagle is the national bird of the USA. These birds aren't easy to find in New Jersey, but it's still possible!

Bog Turtle
Bog Turtles are very small, with an orange patch behind their ear membranes. Their shells are usually dark, sometimes with dark reddish patches. You can find Bog Turtles in marshes and wet places!

Shortnose Sturgeon
The Shortnose Sturgeon is a long, thin fish with yellowish brown scales and a blunt nose. They like to live in the mouths of rivers and bays, and especially in the upper part of the Delaware River.

Least Tern
Terns can usually be found close to the shore. The Least Tern got its name because it is the smallest kind of Tern in North America. You can identify a Least Tern by looking for a white triangle on their foreheads, surrounded by black, and a yellow bill.